Shabby Visitors


Howdy!!! Just wanted to give a holler to tell y'all I'm dedicating this post to the very best...
My DADDY of course.. He has always been there for me since I was small holding my hand and guiding me through all life's up's and downs.. I hope he knows how special he is and how irreplaceable he really is.. So happy Father's Day.. Just wanted to share a few pictures with y'all..
Here is a picture of me and my bubba and my daddy...
Boy how the years fly by....
We were all so darn cute back then

Here is another picture of my daddy when he was quite young.. What a hottie!!!
Here is a picture of my favorite uncle..

My uncle Ken he is AWESOME...
he doesn't have any kids but what a great dad he would have been but great for me since HE was my UNCLE...

Here is picture of my mommy and daddy when I was born.. Gee wiz look at them they are so young..

Here is my PAPA what a great grandpa he was me and my bubba were small when he passed but I still have such fond memories of him...
Thanks for stoppin by..
Talk to you soon..
Tootles Shabby T

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