Shabby Visitors


A day of remembrance for all those who have lost their lives for our country...
Hubby and I will be with family tomorrow remembering all those soldiers who have passed..
Having several family and friends in the military it is a subject close to heart.. The fear of something to happen..
So please pray for them..
A prayer to all the troops God keep them safe and out of harms way and bring them back home soon....
I wave my flag with great pride and joy...


I'm so excited that I can hardly can sit here and type this post.. Its been a entire year since I started here in blog land.. Oh how I've enjoyed writing posts but mostly reading my favs and the journey of reveling a new one...
I look back to my first experience with this I simply thought oh I can't possibly do this but here I am writing this post..
I do want to take a moment and Thank all my followers I do hope you enjoy reading my posts. I do love reading all of yours... It is such a wonderful way to express your thoughts and visions!!!
I gotta go for now... Hope you all have a splendid weekend!!!
Shabby T


This post is dedicated to the worlds best mom..
And of course that would be my mom..
My mom has always been there for me no matter what even when I didn't think I needed her..
Always there to give me guidance and of course sympathy when I was hurt courage to try something new ..

There is so many stories to tell some of them quite comical now that I'm older but back in the day boy was I upset. I know I drove my mom crazy when I was little around 2 or 3 I never seemed to like to where clothes so my mom even laughed even though she was embarrassed when the whole neighborhood was chuckling as they saw this little girl on her 10ft slide stark naked in her backyard in front of the post office just catching a few sun rays.

Or the time when I was in the family garage telling our neighbors little boy "Robbie you will too marry me and you will like it too"... She also must have almost died of embarrassment when I was just first potty training and she wanted me to look so pretty for church so she wanted to wait to put on my frilly panties right before we left and she was shocked to see she had forgotten to put them on when I leaned over the church pew and continued to lift my dress all the way to the bathroom..

Moms do deserve a medal for all those lovely embarrassing moments they indore. All the bumps and cuts and broken hearts they heal with there sweet kisses and bandages when we are small and as we grow up towards adulthood all the gentle wise words to guide us along our way..

I just want tell my mom I'm so proud to be your daughter and want you to know that I appreciate all the wonderful things you've done for me through my life and I'm a better person for having such a great mom so I hope you enjoy your day.. It is quite deserved it should be MOTHER'S DAY every day!!!!

I also want to dedicated this post to my Nannie my moms mother.. My Nannie was such a great lady.. I do miss her very much!!! What fond and lovely memories I have of spending summer vacations with her. She was always a barrel of laughs I do wish she was still here with us...

I also want to wish all you moms out there a HAPPY MOTHER'S Day hope you all have a wonderful day....